Looking for psychotherapy or counseling in central Connecticut?
If you live in or near Hartford or West Hartford, let me show you how individual psychotherapy, family therapy, or couples counseling—or some combination of these—can help you and those you care about become happier, more effective, and more productive.
- You can learn how to keep family and friends from driving you crazy.
- You can improve your parenting skills and gain confidence in your judgment.
- You can come to terms with a sudden loss or a serious illness and feel stronger as a result.
- You can troubleshoot workplace or marital problems, even go through a divorce, while minimizing damage to the relationships involved.
- You and your children can learn skills that will let you manage anxiety, depression, and stress for the rest of your lives.
- You can take stock of your life, set new goals, and start feeling calm, capable, and optimistic about the future.
Talk therapy isn’t just for people with mental illness. It can address workplace, life stage, family, and relationship issues. It helps people grow. Sooner or later everyone welcomes extra resources, encouragement, and a listening ear. The right psychotherapist can help. The drop-down menu above will tell you more about my services. Call 860-231-1997 or email me today for an appointment or for more information.